Special Education Blog

Music is such a powerful tool that influences everything from language development to impulse control. According to ADDitudemag.com, the songs below were scientifically tested and found to help children concentrate better, especially those children with ADHD. Try using them ask background music in your classroom during independent work!

- Accommodations are changes to instructional or testing procedures or materials that allow a student to fully access the information and to accurately demonstrate knowledge.



Dyslexia affects reading at the single word level, reading fluency and rate, and spelling. In turn, these weaknesses cause difficulties with reading comprehension and written expression. According to the research, the major cognitive correlates of dyslexia include weaknesses in one or more of the following abilities: phonological awareness,...

"The executive functions are a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one's resources in order to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for the neurologically-based skills involving mental control and self-regulation."



Dysgraphia is an issue that impacts written language by affecting both information and motor processing. It can cause trouble with many aspects of writing.



Dyspraxia is an issue that can impact fine and gross motor skills, possibly resulting in poor handwriting ability. It can also affect a person's conception of how his or her body moves in space.

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