Behavior Accommodations


When you see this behavior... Try this accommodation

Difficulty completing assignments

- List all steps necessary to complete each assignment

- Reduce the assignment into manageable sections with specific due dates

- Make frequent checks for work/assignment completion

Difficulty with organization

- Create daily/weekly/monthly assignment sheets

- Provide a list of materials needed on a daily basis

- Have a consistent way for students to turn in papers

Difficulty sustaining attention

- Get student's attention before giving directions

- Ask student to repeat directions

- Actively involve student in lesson

Difficulty with transitions

- Give advance warning of when a transition is going to occur

- Use timer to help cue beginning and end of a task

- Provide a schedule of daily activities 

Difficulty with tasks that require memory

- Combine seeing, saying, writing, and doing

- Teach memory techniques as a study strategy (mnemonics, visualization, oral rehearsal, numerous repetitions) 

Difficulty with test taking

- Allow extra time

- Allow student to be tested orally

- Use clear, readable, and uncluttered test forms

- Use ample space for student response

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