

What is it?

Dysgraphia is an issue that impacts written language by affecting both information and motor processing.  It can cause trouble with many aspects of writing.


If you suspect a student has dysgraphia, some signs you may notice include the following: difficulty organizing thoughts, poor handwriting, improper spacing between letters and words, poor spelling and grammar, and difficulty with pencil grip.

Ways to Help

Some things that can help students with dysgraphia include graphic organizers, checklists, assistive technology, and occupational therapy to strengthen fine motor skills.  

Possible Classroom Accommodations

Some possible classroom accommodations for a student with dysgraphia includes the following: option to respond in alternative ways rather than writing, sentence starters, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and speech to text.  

Resource:  The Difference Between Dyspraxia and Dysgraphia, by Peg Rosen from understood.org 

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