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When given a list of words, numbers, or directions, rehearsal is the strategy when you repeat the entire list in sequence either silently to oneself or aloud.

Zuni Learning Tree was founded by Tina McCord, a former teacher. Zuni Learning Tree saves planning time by providing educators one central online location for teaching and learning resources available anytime and anywhere they have an Internet connection. It solves the problem of how teachers can manage all their online tools. In the same way...

Be sure to use video and show your face! Your students want to see you. Be careful not to make long videos (aim for 3-5 minutes). Attention spans online are a lot shorter than face-to-face.

A common misconception of dyslexia is that it just affects a student's ability to read and/or write. It's important to note that dyslexia also affects coordination, organization, and memory. Each student with dyslexia has their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Below are common signs for teachers to look for that could be indicative of...



Co-teaching often occurs in inclusive classrooms. In co-taught classrooms, general education and special education teachers work together to plan lessons, teach, monitor student progress, and manage the class. Co-taught classrooms allow students to spend more time with teachers and get more individual attention. Having more than one teacher in the...

504 vs. IEP


What's the difference between a 504 Plan and an IEP?

Music is such a powerful tool that influences everything from language development to impulse control. According to, the songs below were scientifically tested and found to help children concentrate better, especially those children with ADHD. Try using them ask background music in your classroom during independent work!

- Accommodations are changes to instructional or testing procedures or materials that allow a student to fully access the information and to accurately demonstrate knowledge.



Dyslexia affects reading at the single word level, reading fluency and rate, and spelling. In turn, these weaknesses cause difficulties with reading comprehension and written expression. According to the research, the major cognitive correlates of dyslexia include weaknesses in one or more of the following abilities: phonological awareness,...

"The executive functions are a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one's resources in order to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for the neurologically-based skills involving mental control and self-regulation."



Dysgraphia is an issue that impacts written language by affecting both information and motor processing. It can cause trouble with many aspects of writing.



Dyspraxia is an issue that can impact fine and gross motor skills, possibly resulting in poor handwriting ability. It can also affect a person's conception of how his or her body moves in space.

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